I like to write songs and poems and sing. My first album is called DonSongs and newest one called Living Beings – Climate Control. This I enjoy most of all my interests. I also like Photography, 4 Wheelin and Camping. I like to have a picnic on a nice day, especially at the lake. I live close to a big lake and I like to go there just to watch the sun set and feel the cool air coming off the lake. When I am with my friends, my Buddies, we usually just visit and talk, eat at a restaurant, drive around and take pictures of everything and maybe go window shopping at the stores we like. Such as Auto Accessories, Tools and electronics, sound and video stuff, TV’s and Computers. Once in a while, we go to Auto Races or 4x4 Shows or Antique Auto Swap Meets. Sometimes, we go to Texas Speedway, a big NASCAR Track near by. My favorite hobby now is computers. I like to fix old Computers and make them usable again. Mostly just to learn more. I really like researching interesting things on the Internet. I do all of my reading on the computer, it is faster and easier. I have programs that will play the text, so I can just listen if my eyes are tired of reading. I read allot about many things. Technical things on computers and the internet, interesting discoveries in science, new technology, local and world news and just what ever strikes me as interesting. I read or listen to the Bible allot too on the computer. I like to keep in touch with friends who are far away with e-mail. Not allot of people, just a few good friends. I am very handy and good with tools, fixing and making things. I like to help my friends with their projects. Right now, my best friends live too far away to see them often. I miss being able to see them